Housing to be proud of

Too many people cannot find a decent home, whether they are trying to step on to the housing ladder for the first time or move into somewhere larger so they can start a family.

I will complete the process of leasehold reform and abolish Section 21 notices to end no-fault evictions – both Conservative manifesto commitments – deliver a short-term lets register and hold housing associations and our local authorities to account for major works and repairs. I have seen for myself too many broken lifts, too many intercoms that don’t work and too much damp and mould. I will also campaign for more intermediate housing.


TimTalks: Rents and Leaseholds in the Two Cities

We handed over to the Prospective MP for the Cities of London & Westminster, Tim Barnes, for his latest #timtalks video on deeper policy issues. He explains,

"I want to talk about rents and leaseholds.

Tackling homelessness and rough sleeping in the Two Cities

Local people have been contacting Prospective MP Tim Barnes about the very pressing issues of homelessness and rough sleeping, in the Cities of London and Westminster. He explains,

"These are complex issues without a single magic-bullet solution.

TimTalks: The challenges of Housing in central London

Too many people cannot find a decent home, whether they are trying to step on to the housing ladder for the first time or move into somewhere larger so they can start a family. My thoughts on the challenges we face, especially here in central London.

Tim welcomes the Conservatives' Manifesto Launch

We spoke with Cities of London and Westminster's Prospective MP Tim Barnes, on the day of the Conservative manifesto launch. Tim explains

"I've been out and about talking with residents and meeting with businesses. 

Supporting the most vulnerable to end homelessness

Prospective MP for the Cities of London & Westminster, Tim Barnes, reaffirmed his commitment to support the most vulnerable in our society, signing the Homeless Link’s ‘A Home for Everyone’ pledge.